About Me

my name isn’t really Chip.

It’s Louise Gillian but please call me Chip. I sound cooler that way 🤣

I’m a data “practitioner”

Officially, as of writing, I’m a Machine Learning Consultant at Thinking Machines Data Science. Though I specialize in ML, my day-to-day role revolves around all kinds of data-things (e.g. extraction, cleaning, analysis, wrangling, writing pipelines, training and rolling models out, etc.)… so I guess it’s more accurate to say that I practice data in general…? 🤷🏻‍♀️

before that, I was taking my masters

After a year as a data engineer at BuildZoom, I decided to go back to school and study applied deep learning. It was a great 2.5 years (with a side trip research internship in NAIST, Japan) and I was able to publish a few papers! Notably:

  1. CLRGaze: Contrastive Learning of Eye Movement Signals, 29th European Signal Processing Conference, Dublin, Ireland, August 23-27, 2021
  2. GazeMAE: General Representations of Eye Movements using a Micro-Macro Autoencoder, 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Milan, Italy, Jan 10-15, 2021

Here’s my 🎓 Google Scholar profile

Other than the nerdy stuff

I’m just an ordinary person who values work-life balance a lot. Day-to-day (outside work and sleep), I usually workout, go for a run (I’ve run half-marathons! 🥈) and just hang out with family and friends.

My personal interests are:

  • 📸 photography (I have a small compilation of fave photos here!)
  • 🌏 traveling (I am the trip planner in our family and I’ve solo-travelled a bit around Asia / Australia)
  • 🎬 (mostly indie) films (I’ve logged some films on my letterboxd)
  • 🎸 music (big fan of Radiohead and of ’90s-’10s pop-rock/punk music, but also listens to chill-er songs)
  • 📖 reading (you can see what I’ve been reading on kindle here)

Say hi

I can be reached by e-mail at chippybautista@gmail.com. Or, you know, just connect with me on LinkedIn!